Saturday, April 20, 2019

Heart Talk Show India - Is it a Gastric Pain Or A Heart Attack

Since large meals are often part of celebrating, it’s easy to overdo it on special occasions. If you’ve just eaten a big meal & you feel a burning sensation in your chest, you might think it is a gastric pain, it can might be.
However, there is a chance that this chest pain could be caused by reduced blood flow to your heart (angina), or an actual heart attack.
There are a lot of heart attacks happening where patients & their relatives have mistaken it as a gastric pain, neglected it & died.
There can be other symptoms too like
  • Pain in the lower jaw,
  • Back Pain
  • Pain Radiating to right side of chest
  • Excessive Sweating
But some misinterpret these symptoms with Gastric pain & start drinking water, Eno etc in which they waste their 2 to 3 hours.
Because as immediate as your treatment begins, it will be more beneficial for long term effects. If your treatment begins within 1 hr, recovery is fast. But if you reach hospital after 12hrs of getting attacks, recovery is not good in that case.
How can you differentiate between the two?
If you do physical exercise like climbing stairs, walking etc if intensity of pain increases it is Heart attack symptoms. If pain is relieved by walking, it is a Gastric pain
So it is important to create awareness regarding Heart attacks as 90% people do not know what ACTUALLY are the signs & symptoms of Heart attack.

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